In a rather significant milestone for national defence innovation, Luxembourg has joined NATO’s DIANA (Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic) network. The Luxembourg Directorate of Defence and Luxinnovation have  selected a range of national innovation facilities to join NATO’s DIANA (Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic) network which will be led by Technoport. The selected facilities to integrate the DIANA network, paving the way for enhanced cooperation in addressing critical defence and security challenges are

The DIANA network comprises 23 accelerators and 182 test centres spread across the 32 NATO Allies.

Exchanges within DIANA will also enrich our innovators and strengthen transatlantic cooperation.

Established in 2022, the DIANA network ensures that the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) harnesses the best of dual-use innovation for transatlantic defence and security. This structure provides companies with the resources, networks and guidance necessary to develop cutting-edge technologies to address critical defence and security challenges.

“We are delighted that the national ecosystem is strengthening its links with NATO. Luxembourg has a lot of expertise to share and we will do our part in maintaining the Alliance’s technological edge. Exchanges within DIANA will also enrich our innovators and strengthen transatlantic cooperation. And let us not forget the crucial synergies between DIANA and the Luxembourg domiciled NATO Innovation Fund” explains Minister of Defence Yuriko Backes.

“In the booming innovation ecosystem in Luxembourg, this integration into NATO’s DIANA network will put the spotlight on national areas of excellence such as space, data, smart materials, biotechnology and quantum,” affirms Sasha Baillie, CEO of Luxinnovation.

“In the future, our economic development and our collective defence and common security will depend, to a large extent, on the innovation we foster today. Civil and military players in the spheres of industry and research must join forces to keep the competitive edge. That is why the Directorate of Defence invests in defence and dual-use research,” specifies Minister Backes.

This integration into NATO’s DIANA network will put the spotlight on national areas of excellence such as space, data, smart materials, biotechnology and quantum.

Buy-in from private players, in particular startups which are the true cradle of innovation, is essential. Maintaining an open dialogue and strengthening public sector engagement with the entire ecosystem are key to success.

“In the current context, it is crucial to link all initiatives to maximise synergies and ensure that all our efforts complement each other. The European Union, NATO and national players must work together,” concludes Ms Baillie.
